Our People

Norm McMurray - Superannuation Advocate, Berrill and Watson Melbourne

Norm McMurray

Superannuation Advocate

Norm McMurray - Superannuation Advocate, Berrill and Watson Melbourne

Norm is Berrill & Watson’s consumer advocate.

Norm travels all over Victoria, meeting clients. He is extremely passionate about making sure that all people, particularly those in the country, get access to the services that they need.

In addition to his work as a superannuation advocate, Norm also regularly helps people to get assistance in other areas like Centrelink Disability Support Pension claims, housing issues and NDIS issues.

Norm is a fierce advocate, and he is very skilled at bringing together health and other professionals to solve all of a client’s problems (e.g. housing, health care etc) in addition to making sure they get their full financial entitlements. He has a particular gift for working with people that have a complexity of issues which they are dealing with and those that have experienced trauma.

In addition to his work with Berrill & Watson Lawyers, Norm is the chair of the board of Grampians Disability Advocacy. He was also previously a board member of Financial & Consumers Rights Counsellor (now FCVic - the peak body for financial counsellors in Victoria).

Norm has worked in and around Unions and the consumer movement, and also in health and financial services throughout his whole working life. He has worked alongside our John Berrill doing his current job (or similar) for more than 20 years and has helped countless people to navigate all manner of issues during this time.

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