
Death & Terminal Illness Claims

Death and terminal illness benefits can be provided as a stand-alone insurance benefit or through superannuation funds.

A death benefit is an insurance benefit payable to an individual’s dependents if they pass away.

A terminal illness insurance benefit is a death benefit paid to an individual prior to death if they are certified by doctors as having less than 12 or 24 months to live.

In addition to any insurance entitlements, people who are certified as terminally ill can access any money that they hold in their superannuation fund even if they are not yet old enough to get this money.

Similarly, the dependants of any deceased person who held an insurance benefit when they died will be able to apply to be paid that superannuation money.

Contact us for FREE advice and help. It costs you nothing to find out where you stand.


Melbourne: 03 9448 8048

Brisbane: 07 3013 4300

Anywhere else in Australia:  03 9448 8048


[email protected]

How we charge

We are Australia's best value superannuation/insurance law firm. Other law firms charge nearly double (& sometimes more than double) what we charge. So, if you get a quote from them, or have a cost agreement, ask us what we will charge you.

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